Modulo amplificador phono DACT CT100
Modulo amplificador phono DACT CT100

Modulo amplificador phono DACT CT100

Modulo amplificador phono DACT CT100, estéreo

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The CT100 is a two-channel phono preamplifier module with very accurate RIAA equalization and many features. It is realized with the best semiconductors available and non-inductive, low noise, SMD metal film resistors. The circuit is designed to accept both moving coil (MC) and moving magnet (MM) transducers/cartridges directly in order to eliminate the need for an external MC step-up transformer or amplifier. MC/MM input loading and input nominal level values are easy to select with high resolution by DIP-switches.
The CT100 is ideal for the most demanding applications requiring accurate RIAA equalization, very low noise, extremely low distortion and superior sonic performance.
CT100 is a pre-assembled PCB ready for building into an enclosure or even better into your turntable (shorter signal cables).
The high output voltage from CT100 makes it equivalent to other signal sources like CD-players.


- Compact design. Dual-mono. Very low noise
- Balanced output option
- Non-inductive low noise SMD metal film
- Input accepts moving coil/moving magnet
(MC/MM) cartridges directly without step-up
- Input loading 10 Ohm to 47kOhm for MC/MM
selectable in 21 steps
- Input nominal levels 0.1mV to 10mV
selectable in 34 steps
- High output drive. Balanced 28V. Unbal. 14V
- High accuracy RIAA equalization with
0.05dB tolerance
- Additional time constants of 3.18uS and/or
7950uS are selectable
- Total harmonic distortion 0.0003%
- Low output impedance - drives long signal
- High output current capability - drives even
impedance headphones
- Two-stage dual-supply voltage regulator on-
board for each channel. Separate DC supply
input for each channel (dual mono)