Headphones - All Our Models | Audiohum


More and more people are taking the opportunity to enjoy their music by taking a walk, doing sports, on public transport or in their listening room. The sound quality of headphones has improved considerably in recent years and there are many possibilities on the market, but which headphones are the best option?

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Which headphones to buy? Types and models

In-ear, supra-aural and circumaural headphones

Before you buy the headphones that suit you best, you should know that there are different types of headphones.

Intraaural or In Ear Headphones

In-Ear headphones are headphones that are placed directly inside the pinna. This allows them to isolate external sound. The sound is delivered directly to the ear, and although the popularity of this type of headphone has boomed in recent years, they still do not allow you to experience the spatiality and naturalness of sounds because the sound is delivered directly to your head.

In contrast, IEM (in ear multi-driver) headphones do achieve a wide level of detail and instrumental separation. High-end models include 8 to 18 drivers per capsule, but more drivers do not guarantee better sound. Hybrid 3-driver IEMs already have everything they need to sound very good.


Good sound quality in relation to their size and weight.

Lightweight and generally comfortable.



Some people find them uncomfortable, the ear pads do not fit all ear shapes.

Supra-aural or On Ear Headphones

Supra-aural headphones are headphones that sit on the ear. They are usually designed for portable use, so manufacturers sacrifice sound quality for better comfort and smaller size.


They are more comfortable and lighter than circumaural headphones for portable use.

Closed supra-aural headphones offer good external sound isolation, and are a good value for their size.


Compared to circumaural headphones they offer narrower soundstages and significantly worse instrument separation.

Due to their small size, the drivers included in their capsules are smaller, the sound quality is worse.

They become uncomfortable for prolonged use.

Circumaural headphones

Circumaural headphones are headphones that cover the entire ear and rest on the head. Circumaural headphones generally offer greater range and better sound quality, as they have larger capsules that allow manufacturers to include better drivers.

The ear cushion in this type of headphones covers the entire ear which makes the sound reach the ear with greater detail.


Increased comfort for prolonged use.

Very good sound quality.

They allow sound to reach the ear with greater detail and better nuances compared to supra-aural headphones.


Uncomfortable for portable use, as they are more cumbersome to carry and generally require a carrying case for storage.

Open, closed and half-open headphones

Open earphones

Open headphones are headphones with an open cup. Most include a grille that lets sound in and out. This means that they do not insulate from outside sound.

Their use in noisy places is not recommended. However, in quiet places, such as a listening room, their fidelity is higher, the sound of this type of headphones is much more natural.


The timbre is more natural, more realistic.

The scene is wider, the instruments feel more separated, as if we were listening to the live sound instead of having the perception that it is a sound coming through the speakers.

Sound more faithful to reality.


Not recommended in noisy environments.

Closed earphones

Closed earphones have a closed cup and a thicker ear cushion than open earphones. This allows them to isolate ambient sound and prevents sound from escaping to the outside.

The greater or lesser degree of isolation depends on the final quality of the earphone.


They isolate outside sound so you will not be disturbed or disturb anyone.

In relation to the bass, closed headphones offer more nuances. The bass is more forceful.


Some models, for better isolation, can be uncomfortable as they put more pressure on the head. More discomfort if you wear glasses.

In low-end headphones the sound can sound a bit bottled up.

As a general rule, at the same driver and cup size, they have less scene than open headphones. Although there are models with large cups that, without having the sound stage of the best open headphones, achieve excellent results.

Half-open headphones

Semi-open headphones, as the name suggests, are the middle ground between open and closed headphones. Generally speaking, the internal structure of this type of headphones is more similar to that of closed headphones, as they use openings only to let air out at lower frequencies.

They are more versatile headphones, which makes them a better choice if you are ever going to use them in scenarios with some ambient noise. 

In terms of sound, the sound of semi-open headphones more closely resembles the sound you can experience with open headphones, except in the bass.


Combines the sound of an open headphone with the bass of a closed headphone.


Cannot match the quality of the best models of the other types.

Frequently asked questions

Which headphones fit my ear best?

The fit and comfort of earphones can vary depending on the size, shape and individual preferences of each person. It is advisable to try different types of headphones to find the one that best suits your personal needs and comfort.

In-ear headphones are inserted directly into the ear canal and often come with different sizes of ear tips to fit different ear sizes. They provide a secure fit and isolation from external noise, which can result in better sound quality.

In-ear earphones are small earpieces that fit into the entrance of the ear canal without fully penetrating it. They are lightweight and comfortable, but the fit may vary depending on the shape and size of your ears. Some models come with interchangeable ear tips to better fit the ear.

Over-ear headphones have large cups that completely cover the ears. They provide an immersive listening experience and often have cushioned ear pads that fit around the ears for comfort. They are ideal for long periods of use and offer good external noise isolation.

What is the difference between hearing aids and earphones?

The difference between hearing aids and headphones lies mainly in their use and function. Although they are often used interchangeably, in some contexts they may refer to different things:

Hearing aids, also known as assistive listening devices, are devices designed specifically for people with hearing loss. These devices amplify sound to improve hearing for the hearing impaired. Hearing aids are usually customised and tailored to each person's individual hearing needs.

Headphones, on the other hand, are audio devices used for listening to music, sounds or audio in general. Headphones are designed to be used by people with normal hearing and provide an immersive listening experience. They come in different shapes and sizes, such as in-ear headphones, in-ear headphones and circumaural headphones.

How do I use the headphones?

The use of headphones may vary slightly depending on the specific type of headphones you are using.

In-ear headphones: Take the headphones and find the right and left earpiece usually marked with an "R" and an "L". Gently insert the earphones into your ears, making sure they fit comfortably in your ear canal.

Make sure the earbuds are securely in place and do not slip out of your ears as you move around.

Earbuds: Place the earbuds in the ear canal entrance without inserting them all the way in. Make sure the earbuds fit comfortably in your ears. If your earbuds have interchangeable ear tips, select the appropriate size that fits comfortably in your ears.

Circumaural (over-ear) headphones: Place the ear cups over your ears, making sure they are snug and completely cover your ears. Adjust the headband or top band of the headphones so that they fit securely and comfortably on the top of your head. Make sure that the headphones are centred and that the cushioned ear pads are in contact with your ears without causing discomfort.

In addition, it is important to adjust the volume to a safe level to protect your hearing. You can also connect the headphones to your audio device, either through a wired or wireless connection, following the manufacturer's specific instructions.

How long should headphones be worn?

The recommended length of time to wear headphones varies and depends on several factors, such as personal comfort, type of headphones, listening volume and individual needs. Although there is no strict time limit, we recommend that you follow some guidelines:

It is advisable to take regular breaks when using headphones for extended periods. Periodic breaks of at least 10-15 minutes every hour can help reduce hearing fatigue and allow your ears to rest.

Listening to music or sounds at too high a volume can be harmful to your ears. It is recommended to keep the volume at a safe and comfortable level. As a general rule, if someone around you can clearly hear what you are playing, the volume is probably too high.

If you experience discomfort, pain or irritation in your ears while wearing headphones, it is advisable to take a break and adjust the setting or position of the headphones for comfort. Everyone has different levels of sensitivity, so it is important to listen to your body's signals.

If you use headphones on a regular basis, it is advisable to limit the time of continuous use and alternate with periods of listening through speakers or without headphones. This allows your ears to have a break and reduces continuous exposure to sounds directly in the ear canal.

Which is better: wired or Bluetooth headset?

The choice between wired or Bluetooth headsets depends on your personal preferences and your specific needs. Both options have advantages and considerations to take into account:

Wired headsets:

Wired headsets offer a direct physical connection to your audio device, providing a stable and reliable connection. They do not rely on wireless signal quality or require pairing with other devices.

In general, wired headphones offer more consistent and reliable sound quality. The physical connection ensures lossless audio signal transmission and minimises the possibility of interference.

Unlike Bluetooth headsets, wired headsets do not require a battery or charging, making them convenient for extended use without worrying about battery life.

Bluetooth headsets:

Bluetooth headphones offer freedom of movement by eliminating wires. You can move without restriction and will not be limited by the length of the cable.

Bluetooth headphones can be quickly paired with compatible devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. Wireless connectivity allows for a smoother, cable tangle-free experience.

Bluetooth headphones are ideal for on-the-go activities, such as exercising or travelling, as there are no wires to limit you. Plus, some models have additional features such as touch controls, noise cancellation and built-in voice assistants.

In short, if you're looking for a stable connection and consistent sound quality, wired headphones are a good choice. On the other hand, if you value wireless convenience and versatility for your daily activities, Bluetooth headsets may be a better fit.

For personalised advice and even to test the most suitable headphones with your hi-fi equipment, please contact us without obligation.