Analog Domain DX9 Calysto M2
Analog Domain DX9 Calysto M2
Analog Domain DX9 Calysto M2
Analog Domain DX9 Calysto M2

Analog Domain DX9 Calysto M2

Analog Domain DX9 Calysto M2. Monophonic power amplifier.

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The Calysto is designed for ultimate fidelity. It features a wider 'Class A' operating region in the output stage, providing exceptional resolution in the upper-midrange and high frequencies at low output power levels.

The Calysto is especially suited to driving the Mid / HF channel amplifier in a high-performance split system. Front panel design and footprint are compatible with the Apollo, Athene and Artemis, allowing amplifiers to be stacked.


  • Output Power 500 W - 8 Ohms / 1 KW - 4 Ohms / Stable at 1 Ohm
  • Voltage Gain Selectable rear panel 32 dB / 26 dB
  • Peaks (Current - Voltage) 70 A - 67 Vac, +/- 95 Vpp
  • Measurements in mm. 440 width x 254 high x 545 background
  • Weight (unit) 63 kg net

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