Audio Research VT80
Audio Research VT80
Audio Research VT80
Audio Research VT80
Audio Research VT80
Audio Research VT80
Audio Research VT80
Audio Research VT80

Audio Research VT80

Audio Research VT80. Stereo Integrated Amplifier.

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Equipped with a beautiful new design aesthetic, very flexible connection options and highly innovative functions, the VT80 is a stage of stereo power that takes as its starting point the configuration used in the exceptional power stage Reference 75, with which it shares the Same power and output transformers, a similar circuit topology and a high number of components. To this must be added two important additions present for the first time in an Audio Research product. The first of these is an exclusive automatic polarization circuit developed entirely by the chief engineer of the analog division of the US firm, and which allows the VT80, once commissioned and with all the valves installed, to automatically adjust the polarization of Each output valve (power). The second relevant innovation of the new Audio Research is the inclusion of a protection fuse for each outlet valve, in order to ensure reliable operation in all types of working conditions. As far as circuit topology is concerned, the VT80 uses a fully balanced architecture that allows it to deliver a power of 75 continuous watts per channel with exceptional dynamics, bass and clarity that combine with an extraordinarily holographic sound presentation.

Technical characteristics:

  • Stereo power stage of reference one hundred percent to valves ..
  • Output power of 2x75 W RMS over 8/4 ohms.
  • Frequency response of 0'7-80,000 Hz (cut-off points at -3 dB).
  • Two double triodes 6H30 (attack) and four valves KT120 (output).
  • Compatible with output valves 6550, KT88, KT90, KT120 and KT150.
  • Automatic polarization circuit for each outlet valve.
  • Protection fuse for each outlet valve.
  • Very high quality power and output transformers
  • Slew rate "of 10 V / us and rise time of 4 us.
  • Unbalanced and balanced inputs.
  • Socket for 12 V trip signal and RS232 port for external control.
  • Separate speaker connection terminals for 4 and 8 ohms.
  • Dimensions: 483x262x468 mm (W x H x D).
  • Weight: 20.7 kg.