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Lowther EX3 high efficiency fullrange
The latest EX series of drive units will completely transform all existing Lowther Loudspeaker Systems. Every Lowther Owner may now enjoy the greatly superior sound reproduction qualities which only the 'EX' drivers are capable of.
Each model in the 'EX' range incorporates an acoustic chamber precisely tuned for optimum performance. Cone assemblies are pressure balanced between the acoustic chamber at the rear and a phasing equalizer fitted to the front. No unwanted oscillations of the speech coil occur. Only bass frequencies will pass through the acoustic chamber, so avoiding bass/mid-range confusion, often a cause of coloration.
Using the latest method of construction, the inner cone is now isolated from the outer. This is not readily visible, but what is noticeable is that the rim of the inner cone is terminated with a reverse roll. Where once sound frequencies cancelled each other and information was lost, now all that information is retrieved and can be enjoyed. Where once sound frequencies were reinforced by the two cones working in unison at certain frequencies, now there is no over-forward sound reproduced. The frequency range is so smooth, and so much more detail from the recorded source is reproduced, that an entirely new level of listening experience will be enjoyed.
The latest 'state of the art' rare earth magnet technology is employed to enable complete control of the diaphragm throughout the entire audible range. This results in maximum information being extracted from the recorded source whilst delivering a very smooth response at all frequencies.
The 'EX' series Drive Units are the best full range drive units ever produced. They are designed to fit into every Lowther cabinet design, both past and present, without any modification being necessary. These revolutionary drive units are a must for all Lowther owners. Everyone can now enjoy an entirely new experience of listening pleasure.
There are 3 models within the 'EX' range, consisting of the EX2, EX3 and EX4. Each model is the best in its class.
(1) Suitably housed, multi-unit assemblies do not necessarily require passive cross-over systems between bass, mid and high frequency units.
(2) All units are rated at 100 Watts.
Technical characteristics:
Voice coil DC resistance Re 7.4 ohms
Free air resonance Fo 45 Hz
Emission piston area Sd 0.021M²
Equivalent volume suspension VAS 61,941 liters of l
Suspension of Compliance Cms 989.130 u M / N
Cone Weight Mmd 11.0g
Weight of Moving Parts mms 12.75 g
Force factor Bl 9.99 T-M
Mechanical Q factor Qms 3.107
Electrical Factor Q Q is 0.266
Total Q factor Qts 0.245
Voice coil inductance at 1 kHz Le 34.658 uH
Reference efficiency No 2.026%
Sound pressure level SPL 95.084 Db
Overall diameter 22.5cm
Overall depth 8.5cm
Depth of the rear of the mounting frame 7.6 cm
8" PCD Mounting Centers
Cutout hole deflector 19 cm
Magnet ring diameter 9.0 cm
Coil diameter 3.9 cm
Voice coil impedance (nominal) 4, 8 or 15 ohms
Air Gap Width 1.0mm
5mm air gap height
Magnet Type Neodymium Rare Earth 'Hi-ferric'™
Flux Density (1 Tesla = 10000 Gauss) 2.1 Tesla
Twin Paper Diaphragm
Frequency response 30 Hz - 22 kHz
Maximum voice coil displacement ± 1 mm
Shipping weight 3.0kg
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