VAN DEN HUL CS-122 Hybrid
Van Den Hul CS-122 Hybrid
Van Den Hul CS-122 Hybrid
VAN DEN HUL CS-122 Hybrid
Van Den Hul CS-122 Hybrid
Van Den Hul CS-122 Hybrid

VAN DEN HUL CS-122 Hybrid

Van Den Hul CS-122 Hybrid. Loadspeaker cable.

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This twin lead loudspeaker cable is the twin version of the CS - 12 HF. Main aim is to provide a high quality flat twin lead cable at a low price.

The 2 conductors are made of 147 strands of 0.16 mm. diameter high purity Matched Crystal OFC with a very dense pure silver coating.

  • Each conductor exhibits a cross-section area of 2.96 mm², equalling AWG 12.5.
  • Covering the two conductors you find an extra Linear Structured Carbon ® saturated layer to improve the sonic performance and to transform the radiated magnetic field into an audio-signal again.
  • The resistance per lead is: 0.58 Ohm/100 meter.
  • The capacitance between the 2 leads is: 32 pF/meter.
  • The cable jacket is made of our HULLIFLEX ® 3, a very flexible and mechanically superb insulation material.
  • The insulation of the plus and minus leads is different in shape with printing in the flat middle section. Both properties are easy polarity finders. Type printing on every 25 cm. (10") makes cutting of specified lengths very easy.
  • This cable is available in a very attractive matt cream color.

Our 4.0 mm. Ø cable entrance diameter Bus type Universal Speaker Connectors and our DIY Screw-On Speaker Connectors are excellently suited for the CS - 122 HYBRID.

CS - 122 HYBRID (Halogen Free)
material Hybrid
product category car hifi - Speaker cable
product category speaker cable - Twin-lead, Entry-level
cable type Twin conductor
conductor material HYBRID: High purity dense Silver coated high purity Matched Crystal OFC + Linear Structured Carbon ® saturated layer(s)
design purpose Loudspeaker cable
eff conductor 2x(2.96 mm² / AWG 12.5 / 147)
external diameter 16.5 mm. wide; 6.0 mm. thick
jacket colors Cream
resistance 0.58 Ohm/100 m.
capacitance 32 pF/m.

HULLIFLEX ® 3 / 300 Vrms min.

connector types

Our 4.0 mm. Ø cable entrance diameter Bus type Universal Speaker Connectors or our 6.5 mm. Ø cable entrance diameter BERRI Bus Connectors or our DIY Screw-On Speaker Connectors; All custom mountable on ordered lengths.

standard sales units

100 m. reels; With connectors mounted to specifications: any length; Without connectors: please consult your van den Hul dealer or the van den Hul distributor in your country.


Is a twinlead HYBRID version of our CS - 12 HF;
Our The TEATRACK HYBRID is a quadruple lead / biwiring version of this cable.



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