List of products by brand DS Audio

DSAudio. High performance digital optics


DS Audio is a newly formed audio business group in Digital Stream Corporation  (“DSC”) this year.(Digital Stream corporation home page is here)
DSC has been in the laser optics market over 25 years.

You may not know us, but maybe we are right next to you every day.
DSC has been known as the provider of industrial laser optics systems in the optical disc market, in Medial testing systems, and for various laser optical instruments.
Disc evaluation system, for example, is the absolute scale of optical disc error measurement, where no reading errors are allowed. “When you see reading errors in the tests, they are caused by the disc errors 100%.”

This is our statement and is based on our 25 years of experience and track-records. Market share of 95% in Disc tester optics speaks itself for the quality and performance of our laser products.

Phono preamplifier

Optical cartridge
